20 May 2021 | India
West End stars from Bend it Like Beckham, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, & Juliet, Aladdin and Prince of Egypt have come together to raise awareness for India Covid Relief.
Performers including Liam Tamne, Sejal Keshwala, Arun Blair-Mangat, Nadim Naaman, Hiba Elchikhe, Tony Jayawardena and Tim Mahendran have recorded a rendition of the song ‘It Means Beautiful’, featured in the West End hit musical Everybody’s Talking About Jamie. The project, entitled ‘Same Voices Unite’, has been created by actor and project director Irvine Iqbal. The video, launched today through various social media channels, is intended to create awareness around the devastation in India following the second wave of COVID-19, and will direct audiences to an urgent appeal launched earlier this month by the Amir Khan Foundation, One Family Global and Dasra.
Iqbal said: “The situation in India is at breaking point with COVID infection rates now surpassing 20 million people. We have a duty as a community to raise awareness about this issue now”.